Big Sky REI

Factors Impacting Real Estate in 2023

What will the real estate market look like in 2023? This question has been on many people’s minds lately as they try to anticipate how economic conditions and other factors will affect their property investments. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the things that could have an impact on the market over the next few years. 


So don’t worry if you’re still undecided about whether or not to buy a property; by the time 2023 rolls around, you’ll be better informed about what to expect!

How Can We Predict The Housing Market

When will the Texas housing market crash? It’s a question on the mind of every buyer and homeowner in the state. And with good reason. The Texas housing market is facing a major shift. Although the median sale price increased by 8.1% in September 2022 Y-O-Y, the number of homes sold dropped by 25.3%. 


Homes are staying on the market for longer as buyers struggle to find affordable housing, with mortgage rates at a 20-year high of 7.08%. Each day there are fewer people who buy houses.Now that the housing market is threatened by a similar instance of rising mortgage rates and the possibility of a recession, buyers and homeowners are understandably concerned. 

Prices Are Likely To Drop

However, certain factors can give us an idea of when the market might be at risk. For example, when mortgage rates rise, and home prices become unaffordable for buyers, we may see a decrease in demand that could lead to a market crash. 


Additionally, if there is an economic recession, this could also put downward pressure on the housing market. While we can’t say for certain when the next housing market crash will happen, we can get a better sense of when the market might be at risk by monitoring these and other indicators.

Get A Home Selling Solution

Are you looking for companies that buy houses? There’s no need to panic. Our experts at Big Sky REI are here to help you navigate the changing landscape of the Texas housing market. We have solid experience helping our clients sell homes in Texas. We buy houses in any condition for instant cash offers. Our experts know what it takes to get the best price in today’s market.


So if you’re thinking about buying or selling a home in Texas, contact us today. We’ll help you make sure you’re getting the best possible deal.